Applied career astrology - find your most productive hours (simple technique)

Whether astrology or no astrology, we know that everyone is not equally productive at the same time. We all have our most productive hours and the least ones, in a day. For sure, it wouldn't hurt if we knew our individual "strong" hours. Being more productive at work is always welcome no matter what are one's career objectives and challenges.

Most productive hours in astrology

Let's look at a simple application of Ashtakavarga in Jyotish to know our most productive hours from birth horoscope. Any serious astrology software or mobile app displays ashtakavarga points in the chart.

We need to use Sun's ashtakavarga (called bhinnashtakavarga for a planet) chart or table as shown in sample image. It's a chart where you see only houses with numbers (not planets) written in each house. These numbers could be anything from 0 to 8.

First, let's look at the sign where Sun is placed in main birth chart i.e. rashi chart popularly called D1 chart these days. In our example birth chart, Sun is in Aquarius which is 9th house.

career astrology productivity

Now consider Sun's bhinnashtakvarga table. Count from 9th house (where natal Sun is placed in our example) and add the points in the first 4 houses from Sun. In our example that would mean adding the points in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses in Sun's ashtakavarga.

Asktakavarga of sun

Let's call this total of first 4 houses counting from Sun as group A. In our example, points in group A totals 4+3+3+5 = 15.

Now let's add the points in next 4 houses and call this 2nd group as B. In our example, total points in group B equals 4+3+3+6 = 16.

Finally, adding the next 4 houses gives us the total of 3rd group, called C. In our example group C totals 4+6+4+3= 17 points.

As we can see in this birth chart, it's the 3rd group C which has maximum points in Sun's ashtakvarga.

If we divide the time interval between local sunrise and sunset by 3, we get 3 equal ranges of hours indicating 3 different productivity ranges. In our example the 3rd part represented by group C is most productive range.

Let's understand with an example. Suppose local sunrise is at 6am and sunset at 6pm. This is total 12 hours time interval from sunrise to sunset. Dividing 12 hours by 3, we get 4 hours in each range of hours. In our sample birth chart, the 3rd group i.e. C scored highest total hence the last 4 hours i.e. from 2pm to 6pm is most productive for the native in our example.

If we take local sunrise and sunset time, it will be more accurate. If local sunrise is at 6:40 am and sunset at 5:30 pm then each portion will get roughly 216 minutes ie 3 hr 35 minutes.
So the 3 local time ranges will be :

1st range   : 6:40 am to 10:15 am
2nd range  : 10:15 am to 1:50 pm
3rd range  : 1:50 pm to 5:30 pm

As group A corresponds to 1st range and group B corresponds to 2nd one, in our example 3rd range is most productive for the native because it corresponds to group C that scored highest total.

If you mostly work post sunset, then the same cycle repeats starting at sunset. We however, need to recalculate the 3 time ranges from sunset to sunrise. That's because the number of hours/minutes in night half of the day is not equal to that of the day half except on the two equinox days.

In Jyotish terminology, the day half ie the time from sunrise to sunset is called dinamaan and that from sunset to sunrise ie night half is called ratrimaan.

If you are intermediate or advanced student of astrology, you must have already seen that dividing the day and night halves in 3 equal time intervals mean that they also correspond to a planet who is naturally strong in kaalbala (part of 6 dimensional planetary strength called shad bala). Following planets have additional natural strength (kaalbala) at these time intervals :

Sunrise to Sunset
1st time range - Jupiter
2nd time range - Sun
3rd time range - Venus

Sunset to Sunrise
1st time range - Mars
2nd time range - Moon
3rd time range - Saturn

Mercury is uniformly strong at all times, specially an hour before/after sunrise and sunset.

Now, if you combine the understanding of our productivity from Sun's ashtakavarga and natural planetary strength as discussed so far, you can obviously see that the support of the naturally ruling planet corresponding to one of the 3 time ranges is very important to be fruitfully productive.

So, if your 1st time range is most productive as per above technique, then you need your natal Jupiter (for day half) or Mars (for night half) to be strong to utilize your most productive hours in optimized manner.

If there is some issue with the strength of the natal planet in whose kaal hora (time interval) our most productive hours fall, its good to try some "remedy" to increase the quality of our most productive hours. Those who have personally interacted with me, know very well that I don't believe in magic wand remedies but I favour some simple tweaks in routine tasks that we are anyway performing daily, can work wonders. These simple tweaks bring tremendous changes in our efficiency and productivity in fairly short time. Success is a daily habit, not an event.

Author : Partho Banerjee